Baltic Assembly to participate in Benelux Session dedicated to security in ports

The Baltic Assembly will be represented by its President Andrius Kupčinskas and Vice President Jānis Vucāns at the upcoming Benelux Parliament Session. Scheduled for 14-15 June 2024 in The Hague and Rotterdam, the session will focus on security in ports.

Andrius Kupčinskas and Jānis Vucāns will join their Benelux counterparts in discussing critical issues such as the security of physical and digital infrastructure in ports. The agenda includes presentations by various experts, including harbourmasters from Rotterdam and Antwerp, and digital security experts from the Port of Rotterdam.

The session will feature a thematic debate, covering subversive crime, corruption and cyber resilience in the maritime sector. This collaboration is part of ongoing efforts of Baltic Assembly to strengthen ties with the Benelux Parliament, focusing on security, defence and digital transformation.

The participation of the Baltic Assembly underscores its commitment to international cooperation and addressing shared challenges, particularly in enhancing the security and resilience of critical infrastructure in the Baltic and Benelux regions.


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