Joint Jury to Select 2024 Baltic Assembly Prize Winners in Literature, Arts, and Science

On 27 September 2024, the Joint Jury of the Baltic Assembly Prizes for Literature, the Arts, and Science will gather to evaluate the nominees for the 2024 Baltic Assembly Prizes. The meeting will involve in-depth discussions and a final vote to select the winners. This annual event celebrates the shared cultural, artistic, and scientific achievements of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, reflecting the deep cooperation among the Baltic States.

Purpose of the Baltic Assembly Prize

The Baltic Assembly Prize, established to recognize and support outstanding achievements in literature, the arts, and science, plays an important role in highlighting the shared values and cultural heritage of the Baltic nations. It demonstrates the common interests of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in upholding their national identity and self-esteem, while fostering a continuous interest among their citizens in the achievements of their neighboring countries.

Prize also aims to:
- Strengthen cooperation between the Baltic States in the fields of literature, the arts, and science;
- Encourage people to engage with the intellectual values and languages of the Baltic nations;
- Raise the level of excellence in literature, the arts, and science across the region.

Through the annual recognition of outstanding contributions, the Prize helps to maintain an ongoing dialogue about the cultural and intellectual developments in the Baltic States. By promoting these achievements, the Baltic Assembly hopes to inspire future generations to continue advancing the fields of literature, the arts, and science in our region.

Composition of the Joint Jury

The Joint Jury, consisting of experts from each of the Baltic States, will evaluate the candidates and ensure a balanced selection process. The members of the jury for 2024 are: Donata Mitaitė, Ramutė Rachlevičiūtė, Valdemaras Razumas (Chair of the Joint Jury), Ieva Kolmane, Edīte Tišheizere, Valdis Muktupāvels, Karl-Martin Sinijärv, Vano Allsalu, Ragne Kõuts-Klemm.

Candidates for the 2024 Baltic Assembly Prizes

Mr. Tomas Venclova – Poet, essayist, and literary critic, nominated for his latest poetry collection “Už Onos ir Bernardinų”
Dr. philol. Arno Jundze – Recognized for his novel “I Shall Never Die”
Mr. Rein Raud – Nominated for his novel “Katkurong” (“The Plague Train,” 2023)
The Arts
State Song and Dance Ensemble “Lietuva” – Nominated for their theatrical oratorio “13”, dedicated to the Defenders of Freedom
Mr. Dāvis Sīmanis – Film director of “Maria’s Silence,” a Latvian-Lithuanian co-production and Berlin International Film Festival award winner
Ms. Kristi Kongi – Artist and lecturer, nominated for her versatile and creative work
Prof. Habil. Dr. Limas Kupčinskas – Nominated for his significant contributions to clinical and fundamental research in the field of digestive and liver diseases
Dr. phil. Beata Paškevica – Leading researcher nominated for her work on the autobiography “Dzīvesgājums/Lebenslauf” by Friedrich Bernhard Blaufuß
Dr. Andra Siibak – Professor of Media Studies, recognized for her extensive research on digital technologies and their societal impacts

Session of the Baltic Assembly and Prize Award Ceremony

The Baltic Assembly Prize consists of a monetary award, a certificate, and a statuette, presented annually during the Session of the Baltic Assembly. This year, the award ceremony will take place during the 43rd Session of the Baltic Assembly, to be held on October 17-18, 2024, in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Valdemaras Razumas, Chair of the Joint Jury (photo: Ieva Ābele, Saeima)






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