Baltic Assembly visits CERN and the CERN Baltic Group

On 7-8 February 2022, the members of the Baltic Assembly visited the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and met representatives of the CERN Baltic Group to discuss the possibilities and challenges of closer cooperation. During the two days of the visit, the parliamentarians had the possibility to see the work of CERN in real life and talk with the scientists and new talents of particle physics in the Baltic states. The Baltic parliamentarians had the possibility to meet the CERN Baltic Group, CERN Director for International Relations Charlotte Warakaule and other representatives of the organisation, visit CERN Globe of Science and Innovation, CMS and its underground experimental area, Worldwide LHC Computing Grid and other places at CERN.

During the meeting with the CERN Baltic Group, parliamentarians found out more about the work of the Group and listened to the new Baltic talents – doctoral students – about the work they are carrying out in CERN. President of the Baltic Assembly Jānis Vucāns opened the meeting by highlighting the historical meaning of the visit to CERN as it is the first time when the Baltic parliamentarians together come to CERN and have a meeting with the CERN Baltic Group. After listening to the already achieved and future plans, Jānis Vucāns highlighted the importance of the Baltic states working together within CERN and said: “I encourage the Baltic states to move towards full membership of CERN and do it together.”

Afterwards, Chair of the Economics, Energy and Innovation Committee Reinis Znotiņš shared the Baltic Assembly’s perspective on interconnected and innovative Baltic states. After listening to all the developments in the Baltic states regarding CERN he said that becoming Associate Members of CERN was a wise political decision. He reminded that the Baltic states within CERN are stronger together; therefore, cooperation rather than competition should be encouraged. He emphasized the importance of encouraging Baltic talents and said that “perhaps one day the Baltic scientists will bring home Nobel Prize in Physics”.

During the visit, President of the Baltic Assembly Jānis Vucāns also signed the CERN Guest Book. He wrote: “Visit of the Baltic Assembly to CERN is yet another important milestone for the cooperation of the Baltic states and CERN. This partnership has the potential to build interconnected and innovative Baltic states that will produce not only substantial national but also global benefits. We are looking forward to even closer cooperation with CERN and the Baltic Group in the coming years!” Members of the Baltic Assembly share the belief that visiting CERN has been a valuable experience and that it has allowed them to fully understand the importance of the cooperation of the Baltic states in CERN and the possibilities that it can bring to the Baltic states and beyond. 

Photos of the visit

© CERN, CERN Baltic Group and BA Secretariat


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