Baltic Assembly contributes to strengthening cooperation with the South-East European parliamentarians


On 18-20 June 2024, member of the Baltic Assembly, Vice Speaker of the Lithuanian Parliament Andrius Mazuronis participated in the 11th Session of the South-East European Cooperation Process Parliamentary Assembly that was held in Skopje, North Macedonia.

“We greatly appreciate the cooperation between the SEECP Parliamentary Assembly and the Baltic Assembly, which dates back to 2015. Both our assemblies are focused on ensuring regional solidarity and work to promote the deepening of regional cooperation and increasing contacts between our parliaments. We also share similar priorities and views on such topics as the need to strengthen democracy, fundamental rights, values, the rule of law and security or tackling climate change challenges. We are sure that the SEECP Parliamentary Assembly and the Baltic Assembly will continue to advance and strengthen the ongoing cooperation, particularly in the areas of shared interest,” said Andrius Mazuronis.

He also encouraged the members of the SEECP PA to continue supporting Ukraine and holding Russia accountable. “We have understood that this is our most important role from day one, and we will continue to do all in our power to make sure that Ukraine is free again and Russia is held accountable for the suffering it has caused. Unfortunately, we in the Baltics know what it means. Memories of Soviet times in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are still alive in our people, and perhaps it is why our support for Ukraine has not decreased.”

Also President of the SEECP PA and Speaker of the North Macedonian Parliament Afrim Gashi emphasized the need not to forget that Europe is going through the biggest security crisis since the Second World war and that Russian aggression against Ukraine is a threat to European and world peace and stability. “All of us, in accordance with our possibilities and capabilities, must help Ukraine in defence of its territory because only in this way we build a prosperous, safe and democratic European continent.

During the Session, a series of SEECP PA committee meetings were held, covering key areas such as economy, infrastructure, energy, social development, education, research, science, justice, home affairs, and security cooperation. The main discussion focused on strengthening regional cooperation by promoting economic development – SEE 2030 Strategy. The session concluded with the adoption of the Final Declaration and closing statements. The SEECP PA in 2024-2025 will be chaired by Albania.

The participation of the Baltic Assembly underscores commitment to fostering regional cooperation and contributing to discussions on security, economic development, and infrastructure within the broader European context. The cooperation between the SEECP Parliamentary Assembly and the Baltic Assembly dates back to 2015.


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